Our Research

People speaking to each other at a table

Postgraduate research students are part of a vibrant community who work in various theological disciplines. 

The research community at ÖªÒõÊÓƵ Theological School includes students, faculty and visitors, working on projects in biblical studies, systematic theology, philosophy, ministry studies, liturgy and church history. Trinity is unique among the colleges of the University of Divinity in appointing the University’s first Research Professor and first Postdoctoral Research Fellow. 

Students are encouraged to attend, and present at, quarterly research seminars and the University of Divinity’s Research Day. More broadly, we encourage students to take advantage of the opportunities to meet and learn from the numerous local and international scholars who visit the University and ÖªÒõÊÓƵ throughout the year. Trinity is able to provide shared office space for research students in order to foster collegiality and interaction with fellow students and faculty. 

Prospective students are invited to contact our Research Coordinator, Dr Scott Kirkland, in order to discuss supervision options, scholarships, research topics, and the application process. Please also refer to the Faculty page to see the research profiles of our academic staff.  

Research Seminars

Research Seminars are held once or twice per semester. All research students, adjuncts and staff are welcome to attend and present on current research. 

Current Faculty Research Projects

  • A biography of Markus Barth
  • Women's ministry and leadership in the New Testament
  • Divine violence and the portrayal of God in the Book of Samuel
  • Book culture, reading communities and the composition of the Gospels
  • The Synoptic Problem and the problem of dating the Synoptic Gospels
  • The absence of the Transfiguration in Jesus films
  • Economics and the shaping of Temporality
  • Modern Messianism and Sovereignty
  • The Parable of the Sheepfold
  • The Johannine prologue
  • Implicit emotion in John
  • Jesus’ baptism in John

Current PhD Students

Nant Hnin Hnin (Snow) Aye 
Thesis Title: Jesus? Redefinition of the Cultural and Social Praxis in the Gospels: A Call to Christians to Live in a New Society.
Supervisors: Fergus King, Bob Derrenbacker

Justin Bristow
Thesis Title: A Political Theology of Civil War
Supervisors: Mark Lindsay, Scott Kirkland

David Carter
Thesis Title: A Theology of Infectious Disease
Supervisors: Scott Kirkland, Mark Lindsay

Laura Cerbus
Thesis Title: Perceiving Beauty, Becoming Beautiful: The Role of Aesthetic Formation in Creation Care
Supervisors: Mark Lindsay, Scott Kirkland

Lachlan Davis
Thesis Title: Approaching Reconciliation in the Hebrew Bible: Reconciliation Stories in Genesis
Supervisors: Rachelle Gilmour, Meg Warner

Emily Fraser
Thesis Title: Radical Song: Protestant Communication through Hymnody
Supervisors: D'Arcy Wood, Andreas Loewe

Marilyn Hope
Thesis Title: The Community of St Mark, Camperdown: Model of Contemplative Life for the Church?
Supervisors: Peter Sherlock, Cecilia Francis 

Daniel Kisliakov 
Thesis Title: Reclaiming the Theological Legacy of the Russian Diaspora with Reference to the Thought of Paul Evdokimov, Maria Skobtsova and Lev Gillet
Supervisors:  Youhanna Youssef, Duncan Reid

Chloe Lampard 
Thesis Title: Putting the Trans in Transformation
Supervisors: Scott Kirkland, Marika Rose

Zhong Li 
Thesis Title: Retribution in the Narrative and Law of the Pentateuch
Supervisors: Rachelle Gilmour, Megan Turton

Ann Pate
Thesis Title: God Speaks Us to Ourselves: The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius in Contemporary Experience
Supervisors: Dorothy Lee, Ineke Langhams-Cornett, Rob Faesern

Elizabeth Thompson
Thesis Title: ‘A Love to which there is No Reply’: Pastoral Care as Suicide Postvention
Supervisors: Christopher Porter, Gary Heard

Julia Thwaites
Thesis Title: Spiritual Combat: Christian Opposition of Soul and Body as Anatomised through Pleasure
Supervisors: Scott Kirkland, Janice McRandal

Current MPhil Students

Jess Grant 
Thesis Title: The Just Opponent: Friend and Enemy in Anglican Thought from 1920 to 2020
Supervisors: Scott Kirkland, Mark Lindsay

Recently Completed PhD Theses

Christy Capper – Sin as Inauthenticity
Geoff Cheong — Secularology and Relational Spirituality: Towards an Integral Christian Spirituality
Paul Daniels – Von Balthasar and Nietzsche on the Aesthetics of Tragedy
John Deane – The New Song, the New Creation and New City - the Missional Perspective of Revelation
Nixon Estrella De Vera – The Suffering of God in the Eternal Decree: A Critical Study of Barth on Election
Luke Hopkins – Contemporary Anglican Identity in Conversation with Cyprian of Carthage
Paul Oslington â€“ Political Economy as Natural Theology: Smith, Malthus and their Followers
Richard Wilson â€“ A Methodological Approach for Church Engagement of the Economics, Finance and Business Sectors

Research Fellows and Associates

Scholars undertaking research projects may contribute to the academic life of the School in an honorary capacity. As a member college of the University of Divinity, ÖªÒõÊÓƵ Theological School may choose to nominate academics as honorary research staff to be recognised and accredited by the University of Divinity. Please read the policy on Honorary Researchers for more information.

The Very Revd Dr Andreas Loewe, BA(Hons), MPhil, MA Oxon, PhD Camb
Dr Paul Daniels, BA (Hons), BTheol, MTheol, PhD
Dr Nixon Estrella De Vera, MATS, PhD
Dr Aaron Ghiloni, BA, MA, GCIslamicStud, PhD
Dr Arthur Keefer, PhD Camb
The Revd Dr Duncan Reid, BA(Hons) Monash, BD MCD, DTheol °Õü²ú¾±²Ô²µ±ð²Ô, MEd Flinders
The Revd Dr Richard Wilson, BSc, MBA, MA, MDiv, PhD

University Scholars

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Divinity may appoint persons who are neither students nor academic staff to be University Scholars.

The Revd Ron Browning, OAM
The Rt Revd Dr Jeffrey Driver, LTh ACT, MTh SCD, PhD CSU
Dr Muriel Porter, OAM, BA UNE, BLitt ANU, PhD Melb, MA ACU

ÖªÒõÊÓƵ Visiting Scholars

From time to time, ÖªÒõÊÓƵ may invite distinguished persons to be Visiting Scholar affiliated with ÖªÒõÊÓƵ Theological School for short periods. Please read our Policy on Visiting Scholars for more information.